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No ano 3000 existia um milionário chamando Bruck, um homem que sempre buscou ganhar dinheiro e nunca se importou em ajudar as pessoas.
Até que um certo dia caminhando pela rua viu uma mulher com dois filhos pedindo trocados para poder comprar alimentos para alimentar seus filhos, nisto vendo aquela cena ficou chocado e convidou a nobre mulher a ir em sua casa para almoçar a mulher aceitou e foram na casa.
Com isso todos os empregados ficaram surpreso, Bruck nunca chamou alguém para ir a sua casa se não fosse coisas de negócios.
Então Bruck mandou fazer um banquete com tudo do bom e do melhor, depois levou elas para comprar novas roupas e no final do dia quando Bruck foi se despedir da mulher e seus filhos deu um cheque com valor de 70.000 mil doleres para pagar as dividas e começar uma nova vida.
Nisso a mulher feliz da vida disse "estou te devendo está ", ele olhou para ela e sorriu bem animado dizendo "não precisa me ajudar sou muito rico e tenho tudo que preciso".
Como a vida sempre surpreendem as pessoas o Bruck, fez exame de rotina quando foi ao médico ver o resultado ficou chateado com o resultado, seus rins estavam parando de funcionar e precisaria de outro rim para continuar vivo.
Bruck, foi embora para casa vendo que sua vida estava no final, nisto quela mulher que ele ajudou um tempo atrás viu ele chateado e sabendo o que havia ocorrido com ele ela foi até ele e conversou nisto ela falou que daria um dos seus rins para ele, nisto ele vendo que poderia dar certo foram fazer exame para ver se o rim dela daria certo e pela graça de Deus o rim dela deu certo.
Como tecnologia era avança eles poderão fazer a operação e Bruck poderia viver por mais um bom tempo.
Com tudo isso A mulher olhou para ele e disse "não te falei que iria te pagar".
Bruck, ficou feliz que fez um prédio com quatro restaurantes, vinte e cinco lojas , com uma garagem com capacidade de 60 carros, mas um banco para recadar fundos para ajudar os necessitados.
Moral da História "Sempre ajude uma pessoa, pois um dia ela vai te ajudar".
Escrito por Alex Lopes Ozorio, O Poeta da Madrugada
Olha este texto em Inglês :
A little fable "One helps the other"
In 3000 there was a millionaire calling Bruck, a man who has always sought to make money and never cared about helping people.
Until one day walking down the street he saw a woman with two children asking exchanged to buy food to feed their flhos, it seeing that scene was shocked and asked the noble woman to go home for lunch and took the woman were in the house .
With that all employees were surprised, Bruck never called someone to come to your house if it was not business stuff.
Bruck then sent to a feast with all the good and the best, then took them to buy new clothes and at the end of the day when Bruck was quitting the woman and her children gave a check worth 70 million doleres to pay the debts and start a new life.
That the woman happily said "I owe you is," he looked at her and smiled and excited saying "I do not need help I am very rich and have everything I need."
As life always surprises people the Bruck made a routine examination when the doctor was upset to see the result with the result, her kidneys were stopping working and need another kidney to stay alive.
Bruck, went home seeing that his life was in the end, it chelates woman he saw a while ago helped him upset and not knowing what had happened to him she went to him and talked about it she said she would give one of his kidneys to him, he saw that it could work were taking to see if it would work the kidney and by the grace of God the kidney it worked.
How was technology advances they can make the operation and Bruck could live for another good time.
With all this The woman looked at him and said "I told you it would not pay you."
Bruck, was happy that made a building with four restaurants, twenty five stores, a garage with a capacity of 60 cars, but a bank to recadar funds to help the needy.
Moral of the Story "Always help a person, because one day it will help you."
Olha este texto em Inglês :
A little fable "One helps the other"
In 3000 there was a millionaire calling Bruck, a man who has always sought to make money and never cared about helping people.
Until one day walking down the street he saw a woman with two children asking exchanged to buy food to feed their flhos, it seeing that scene was shocked and asked the noble woman to go home for lunch and took the woman were in the house .
With that all employees were surprised, Bruck never called someone to come to your house if it was not business stuff.
Bruck then sent to a feast with all the good and the best, then took them to buy new clothes and at the end of the day when Bruck was quitting the woman and her children gave a check worth 70 million doleres to pay the debts and start a new life.
That the woman happily said "I owe you is," he looked at her and smiled and excited saying "I do not need help I am very rich and have everything I need."
As life always surprises people the Bruck made a routine examination when the doctor was upset to see the result with the result, her kidneys were stopping working and need another kidney to stay alive.
Bruck, went home seeing that his life was in the end, it chelates woman he saw a while ago helped him upset and not knowing what had happened to him she went to him and talked about it she said she would give one of his kidneys to him, he saw that it could work were taking to see if it would work the kidney and by the grace of God the kidney it worked.
How was technology advances they can make the operation and Bruck could live for another good time.
With all this The woman looked at him and said "I told you it would not pay you."
Bruck, was happy that made a building with four restaurants, twenty five stores, a garage with a capacity of 60 cars, but a bank to recadar funds to help the needy.
Moral of the Story "Always help a person, because one day it will help you."
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